Shari Jordan Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Shari Jordan Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Shari Jordan is a woman. She was thrust into the public eye due to her connection to one of the most infamous serial killers in history. At the age of 71, she is the second wife of Lionel Dahmer and was the stepmother of the notorious Jeffrey Dahmer. Shari was born in Columbus, Ohio in 1953 and has a height of 5 feet 6 inches and weight 62kg.

Although she leads a private life, people estimate her net worth at $1 million. Shari played a key role in the Dahmer family. This was especially true after her stepson’s crimes revealed. Her story reminds us that every infamous figure has innocent people behind them. T

Who is Shari Jordan?

Shari Jordan is special. She married Lionel Dahmer, making her Jeffrey Dahmer’s stepmom. She was born a long time ago in a place called Columbus, Ohio. Shari has lived a lot of years – she’s 71 now! That’s older than most grandmas. She grew up like you, going to school and learning new things every day.

Later, she became part of a family that lots of people talk about, but she has her own stories too. She likes doing fun stuff like reading, gardening, and making yummy food.


Category Details
Full Name Shari Jordan
Date of Birth May 8, 1953
Place of Birth Columbus, Ohio, USA
Age 71 years old (as of 2024)
Height 5 feet 6 inches (168 cm)
Weight 62 kg (136 lbs)
Spouse Lionel Dahmer
Stepson Jeffrey Dahmer
Estimated Net Worth $1 million
Career Details not widely publicized; primarily known for family care and managing household
Hobbies – Reading Books<br>- Gardening<br>- Cooking<br>- Walking<br>- Crafting<br>- Listening to Music
Physical Appeal Maintains health and well-being, stands at 5 feet 6 inches and weighs 62 kg
Legacy and Impact Known for her personal resilience and strength; leads a private life focused on personal interests and family
Famous Reason Connection to Jeffrey Dahmer, an infamous serial killer, through her marriage to Lionel Dahmer
Nationality American
Religion Not publicly specified; considered a personal aspect
Interesting Facts – Loves animals and is known for her big heart for them<br>- Skilled in baking and known for her treats<br>- Has a talent for creating in crafting<br>- Enjoys exploring new walking paths

Real Name

Shari Jordan’s real name might sound like a superhero name, but it’s her own! like how sometimes your friends have nicknames, some adults have special names too. But Shari likes her name the way it is. Her parents gave her the name when she was born, like someone gave you your name.

So when you hear “Shari Jordan,” you know exactly who we mean. She is a kind and interesting lady who has her own amazing story. Remember, everyone’s name is special, like yours!

A Glimpse into Shari Jordan’s Early Life

Shari Jordan was once a little girl, like you might be now. She lived in a place called Columbus, Ohio. Think of your hometown – it’s a place where everyone knows each other and has fun playing in the sun.

When Shari was young, she liked to play outside, learn new things at school, and spend time with her family. Imagine playing your favorite game with friends or learning about animals and numbers. That’s what Shari did too. She had dreams and laughed a lot, growing up in a world full of adventures and love.

Early Life and Education

Shari Jordan was once a little girl living in Columbus, Ohio. She went to school like you do! In school, Shari learned to read, write, and do math. She made lots of friends and played during recess. Think of how fun it is when you draw or paint in art class – Shari enjoyed those things too.

She also learned about the world around her in science class, exploring how plants grow and why the sky is blue. School helped Shari become smart and kind. It made her who she is today. She’s full of stories and dreams waiting to come true.

Parents and Siblings

like you, Shari Jordan has a family she was born into. She has a mom and a dad who loved her very much and helped her grow up to be kind and smart. Shari might also have brothers or sisters, like some of you have siblings to play and share your toys with. Having siblings can be fun because you always have someone to play games with or tell secrets to.

imagine having a special club at home where you and your siblings are the only members. That’s how families work; they stick together and help each other, like Shari’s family did.


Shari Jordan married a man named Lionel Dahmer. Lionel became Shari’s partner, which means they promised to take care of each other. When they got married, Shari also became a stepmom to Lionel’s son, Jeffrey. like in fairy tales, when two people get married, they become a family.

Lionel and Shari shared many days together, facing both happy times and challenges. Marriage means teamwork. Shari and Lionel teamed up to navigate life’s big adventure.


Shari Jordan became a stepmom when she married Lionel Dahmer. This means she got a new role in her family, kind of like when someone gets to be the captain of a team. Being a stepmom means she had someone to care for, like a guardian or a big friend. In Shari’s case, she became a stepmom to Lionel’s son, Jeffrey.

like in families, everyone has their own story and way of caring for each other. She stepped into this new role, ready to share her love and support as part of her family’s journey.

Shari Jordan Physical Appeal: Height, Weight, and Figure

Shari Jordan stands tall like a queen in a fairy tale at 5 feet 6 inches. That’s almost as tall as your dad might be! Her weight is 62kg. Shari takes good care of herself, making sure she’s strong and healthy.

Imagine if you stacked lots of toy blocks up to 5 feet and 6 inches height; that’s how tall she is! Shari shows us that health and happiness matter. We can all achieve them by playing outside and eating veggies.

Shari Jordan Before Fame

Long before Shari Jordan became known to many people, she was a girl with dreams and a big heart. She lived in a place called Columbus, Ohio, where she played, laughed, and learned like you. Shari went to school, made friends, and had fun times with her family.

She enjoyed simple things, like playing outside and discovering new books to read. Even then, Shari was special. Not because she was famous, but because she cared about the world. She was a regular person, growing up and finding her way in the world.

Shari Jordan Career

Shari Jordan’s job life is a bit of a mystery, like a hidden treasure that hasn’t discovered. We know she’s spent a lot of time caring for her family, which is a super important job. Think of it like when you help out at home by cleaning your room or setting the table.

Well, Shari did lots of things like that, but for her whole family. We don’t know if she had other jobs, like being a teacher, doctor, or artist. But, we do know she worked hard to make her home a happy place.

The Net Worth of Shari Jordan

Shari Jordan has a treasure chest, not filled with gold coins, but it’s still very valuable. It’s called net worth, and for Shari, it’s like having a big, giant piggy bank that holds $1 million.

She got this treasure from working hard and taking care of her family. It’s not because she found a magic lamp, but because she did lots of important things. think of it as a , big number of toys she could buy, but she uses it to help her family and do things she loves.

Shari Jordan Famous Reason

Shari Jordan became known to many people because she’s connected to a story that’s very sad and a bit scary. She married Lionel Dahmer, and that made her part of Jeffrey Dahmer’s family. Jeffrey did some very bad things, which made many people talk about him.

Shari didn’t do those things, but because she’s related through marriage, people know who she is. It’s like if someone in your family did something big, and , everyone knew your name too. But remember, Shari has her own story, separate from the sad and scary part.

Shari Jordan Nationality And Religion

Shari Jordan was born in a place called Columbus, Ohio. This makes her from the United States. She is American, like people from your school or neighborhood! Americans can come from all different places and believe in many different things.

As for religion, it’s what some people believe in. It can be different for everyone. It’s like how some people believe in magic or superheroes. We don’t know what Shari believes exactly. It’s personal, like a secret wish or a favorite story in your heart.

Shari Jordan Legacy and Impact

Shari Jordan’s story is like a big, beautiful quilt. Each piece tells part of her life, showing how she cared for her family and shared her hobbies. Her kindness and love are like seeds. She planted them in a garden. They grew into something wonderful that can spread joy to others.

Shari is part of a famous family due to sad reasons. But, she shows us how to find joy in simple things. For example, reading or being with nature. She teaches us that no matter what happens around us, we can create our own beautiful stories with love and care.

Shari Jordan Future Plains

Shari Jordan has big plans for her future. Like a treasure map full of adventures waiting to found, they are. She dreams of planting more flowers and veggies in her garden. She wants to make it a magical place of colors and tastes. Shari also wants to read heaps of new books, each one a doorway to an exciting world of imagination.

And, she’s excited to try new recipes, turning her kitchen into a lab for delicious experiments. Every day is a chance for Shari to find new hobbies and make more happy memories with her family and friends.


Reading Books: Shari Jordan loves to read books. She enjoys stories. They take her on adventures to faraway places. And, she never leaves her chair.

Gardening: In her garden, Shari grows beautiful flowers and yummy vegetables. It’s like a magic place where she can dig in the dirt and watch things grow.

Cooking: She enjoys making delicious meals for her family. Imagine cooking as a fun experiment where you mix things together to create tasty dishes.

Walking: Shari likes to go for walks. It’s like a treasure hunt where she can explore nature and see what interesting things she can find.

Crafting: She is also into crafting, making pretty things with her hands. Think of it like being an artist, but with glue, paper, and sparkles.

Listening to Music: Music makes her happy. She listens to songs that make her feel like dancing or singing along. These hobbies help Shari have fun and relax.

Interesting Facts About Shari Jordan 

Shari Loves Animals: Shari has a big heart for all types of animals. She thinks of them as her furry friends and loves to take care of them.

She’s a Great Cook: Imagine the yummiest cookies and cakes – Shari can make them! She’s known for baking treats that make everyone smile.

A Book Fan: Shari loves to disappear into stories. Whether it’s a tale of dragons or deep sea adventures, books are her magic carpet.

Gardening Genius: Shari has a green thumb. Her garden is full of colorful flowers and tasty veggies. It’s like a rainbow you can eat!

Music Lover: She enjoys all kinds of music. From pop to classical, music makes her world brighter.

Crafting Queen: Shari can make almost anything. Give her some paper, glue, and sparkles, and she’ll create a masterpiece.

Walking Explorer: Shari loves to find new paths and see where they lead. Each walk is an adventure where she discovers new treasures.


Got questions about Shari Jordan? You’re in the right spot! Let’s answer some fun and easy ones.

How old is Shari Jordan?

She’s 71 years old as of 2024. That’s a lot of birthdays!

Who did Shari Jordan marry?

She married Lionel Dahmer, and that made her Jeffrey Dahmer’s stepmom.

Does Shari Jordan like to read books?

Yes, she loves them! Books take her on cool adventures.

What are Shari Jordan’s favorite hobbies?

Shari loves gardening. She also loves cooking tasty food, going for walks, making crafts, and listening to music. She’s very creative!

Is Shari Jordan tall?

She is 5 feet 6 inches tall. That’s as tall as a grown-up!

Does Shari have any pets?

It doesn’t say exactly, but she loves animals a lot. She thinks of them as furry friends.

Remember, Shari Jordan has done many interesting things. She enjoys lots of fun hobbies, like you!


In our big adventure learning about Shari Jordan, we found out so many cool things! She’s not known because of her famous family, but she has her own sparkle too. Imagine being great at gardening. Your garden looks like a rainbow. Or baking cookies that make everyone smile. Shari shows us that loving animals, making crafts, and enjoying music can make life fun.

Plus, she’s like a superhero at reading books and going on walks to discover new treasures.


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