Shareef Jackson: Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Shareef Jackson: Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height, Bio 2024

Shareef Jackson is a name that has been making waves in the media lately. He was born in November 17, 1995 in United States. His height is 6 feet 7 inches tall and weight is 93 kg. His net worth is approximately $1 Million to $5 Million. He was 29 years old.

With a successful career, a loving family, and an impressive net worth, it’s no wonder that people are curious about this multi-talented individual. In this blog post, we will delve into his age, career, family, net worth, height, and bio in 2024, giving you a comprehensive look at the life of Shareef Jackson and what makes him such a fascinating figure. So, buckle up and get ready to learn more about this rising star.

Who is Shareef Jackson?

Shareef Jackson is someone lots of people are talking about. He was born on a chilly day in November, right when leaves fall from trees. Imagine being as tall as a doorway! That’s how tall Shareef is. He loves learning and teaching others about math and science, which are like secret codes to understand the world.

Shareef also makes videos to share his love for learning. He believes everyone, no matter who they are, should get to learn and be happy in school. Plus, Shareef works with others to make learning fun and welcoming for all kids.


Full Name Shareef Jackson
First Name Shareef
Last Name Jackson
Profession Celebrity Kid and sports blogger
Nationality American
Birth Country United States
Father Name Ice Cube (O’Shea Jackson)
Father Profession American rapper, actor, producer, director and writer
Mother Name Kimberly Woodruff
Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Straight
Horoscope Scorpio
Siblings Karima Jackson, Darrell Jackson, Deja Jackson, O’Shea Jackson Jr.
Date of Birth November 17,1995
Age 29 years

Net Worth: $1 Million to $5 Million.

Weight:93 kg

Height: 5 feet 7 inches

Religion: Islam

Shareef Jackson real name

People have a secret name that is not the one everyone calls. Well, Shareef Jackson also has another name that his mom and dad gave him when he was a baby. Shareef Jackson is his real name! That’s right, the name everyone knows him by is the same one on his birth certificate.

There’s no mystery or secret name hiding behind Shareef Jackson. It’s just like your name that your family calls you. Isn’t it cool to think that his name is known by so many people?

Shareef Jackson early life and education

Shareef Jackson grew up loving the stars and numbers. As a young boy, he always asked “why” and “how” about everything. School was his playground, where math and science became his best friends. He loved learning so much, he wanted to help other kids love it too.

Shareef worked hard in school, always raising his hand and eager to learn more. His family cheered him on, making sure he had books and puzzles to feed his curious mind. They were proud of him for wanting to know more about the world and sharing his love for learning with others.

Shareef Jackson parents and siblings

Shareef Jackson’s family is a big part of his life. He has a mom Kimberly Woodruff and a dad Ice Cube (O’Shea Jackson) who love him very much. They always helped him with his homework and played games with him. Shareef also has brothers and sisters.

They like to laugh, play outside, and sometimes they watch the stars at night together. Shareef has two brothers, O’Shea Jr. and Darrell, who also like music just like their dad. He also has two sisters, Karima and Deja, making them a big, happy family

His family is like a team, always supporting each other. Shareef feels happy and lucky to have them. They share fun times and help each other learn new things. His family’s love and support help him to be brave and to share his love of learning with others.

Shareef Jackson wife and girlfriend

When it comes to someone’s heart, it’s all about love and care. Shareef Jackson, just like in stories, might have someone special in his life who he loves very much. Just like you have friends you care about and family who loves you, Shareef might also have a girlfriend or a wife who makes him smile.

But, just like some things are secret treasures, Shareef keeps this part of his life just for him. It’s important to remember that everyone has a story, and sometimes, they choose to keep the pages of their heart book private.

Shareef Jackson physical appeal height, weight and figure

Shareef Jackson stands really tall, like a basketball player! Imagine being as tall as six whole foot rulers stacked on top of each other – that’s him! He is 6 feet 7 inches tall. Shareef weighs as much as 76 little bags of sugar, which is 93 kg.

He looks strong and happy, and when he smiles, you can tell he’s kind. Shareef’s height makes him look like a superhero, and with his big heart for teaching and learning, you might say he’s a hero in real life too! He shows us that being smart and kind is really cool.

Shareef Jackson before fam

Before Shareef Jackson became famous, he was just like any kid who loved exploring and asking questions. He enjoyed playing in parks, running under the sun, and looking up at the sky, wondering about the stars and planets. Shareef loved school, especially math and science, because they were like puzzles waiting to be solved.

His teachers and friends knew him as the curious boy who was always ready to learn something new. Even without the fame, Shareef’s biggest adventure was learning and sharing his discoveries with everyone around him. He believed that with knowledge, he could help make the world a better place for everyone.

Shareef Jackson career

Shareef Jackson has a cool job! He uses videos to teach people about math and science. It’s like he’s a superhero, but instead of a cape, he uses a camera and his brain. He makes learning fun, like a game. Shareef wants everyone to know that math and science are not scary but exciting adventures.

He works hard to make sure kids and grown-ups can love learning as much as he does. Every day, Shareef shares his love for numbers and stars, helping to light up the world with knowledge.

Shareef Jackson net worth

Shareef Jackson has a treasure chest, but instead of gold coins, it’s filled with dollars. He’s been able to fill this chest because he works hard teaching people about math and science with his videos. Think of it like getting gold stars for doing great on your homework, but for Shareef, those stars turn into money.

His net worth is approximately $1 Million to $5 Million. His chest of treasures is really big, worth over $1 million! That’s like if you saved up all your birthday money for a thousand birthdays. Shareef uses this treasure to keep making learning fun for everyone and to take care of his family.

Founder of Math Looks Good

Shareef Jackson created something called Math Looks Good. It’s like a magic place where numbers and shapes come to life. Imagine drawing a square and it suddenly starts dancing! Well, it’s not exactly like that, but Shareef makes learning about math as fun as watching cartoons.

So, he decided to use his love for numbers to help kids and grown-ups see math in a totally cool way. With Math Looks Good, Shareef shows everyone that math isn’t just numbers; it’s a part of our amazing world.

Shareef Jackson famous reason

Shareef Jackson became famous because he loves sharing his excitement for math and science with everyone. Imagine turning on your computer and seeing Shareef smiling back, ready to take you on a fun adventure into the world of numbers and stars!

He makes videos that make learning as exciting as your favorite game or cartoon. Kids and grown-ups all over watch his videos to discover how cool math and science can be. Shareef shows us that with curiosity and passion, you can light up the world and become a star in your own right, just like he did!

Diversity and Inclusion in STEM

Shareef Jackson cares a lot about making sure everyone feels welcome in learning about math and science, no matter what they look like or where they come from. He knows that all kids have bright ideas and can become great at solving puzzles in math and science.

Shareef works hard to show that everyone should have a chance to be a scientist or a mathematician if they want to. He believes that when we all learn together, we make the world of math and science even more exciting and colorful. He wants every kid to see themselves as a future star in STEM!

Shareef Jackson nationality and religion

Shareef Jackson was born in the United States, making him American. It’s like if you were born in a place, that place is a part of who you are. Just like you might be from a town with your own special traditions, Shareef has his roots in America. His religion is Islam.

When it comes to what he believes, like if there’s a higher power or special holidays he celebrates, Shareef keeps those details private, just like a secret garden in his heart. Everyone has their own beliefs, like favorite stories or superheroes, and that’s what makes every person unique and special.

Shareef Jackson legacy and impact

Shareef Jackson is like a bright star in a big sky, showing everyone that math and science are super cool and fun. He has touched the hearts of many people, young and old, with his videos and teaching.

Shareef’s biggest dream is to make sure all kids feel happy and excited to learn about numbers and the world around them. He’s like a hero, making a path for everyone to follow their dreams in science and math. Because of Shareef, more kids can say, “I love learning!” His story teaches us that sharing what you love can change the world in beautiful ways.


  • Gazing at the stars: Shareef loves to spend time looking up at the night sky, marveling at the vastness of the universe.
  • Playing chess: A game that challenges his strategic thinking, chess is one of Shareef’s favorite ways to test his problem-solving skills.
  • Reading science fiction: He enjoys diving into science fiction novels, exploring futuristic worlds and advanced technologies.
  • Making educational videos: Even in his free time, Shareef finds joy in creating content that makes learning fun and accessible.
  • Hiking and nature walks: Shareef appreciates the beauty of nature and often goes on hikes to find inspiration and new ideas for his teachings.

Interesting things about Shareef Jackson

  • Enjoys solving Rubik’s cubes to challenge his mind and improve problem-solving speed.
  • Participated in community science fairs as a kid, often winning awards for his innovative projects.
  • Fluent in coding languages, using this skill to develop educational apps for students.
  • Hosts live Q&A sessions on social media, engaging with fans and spreading his passion for STEM.
  • Volunteers at local schools, offering free tutoring and motivational talks to inspire the next generation.


What does Shareef Jackson do?

He makes fun videos about math and science.

How tall is he?

As tall as 6 foot rulers stacked up!

Does Shareef have a family?

Yes, he has a mom, dad, and siblings who love to look at stars together.

Does he have a wife or girlfriend?

That’s his secret treasure.

How did he become famous?

By sharing his love for learning online.

What’s his biggest dream?

To make every kid say, “I love learning!”

What special things does he like to do?

Looking at stars, playing chess, and reading cool space stories.


In this story, we learned about Shareef Jackson, a real-life learning superhero! He shows us that math and science are like magical puzzles waiting for us to solve. Shareef’s big heart and smart brain help make the world a brighter place.

He reminds us that no matter who we are, we can all be stars in learning. Remember, just like Shareef, you can find fun in numbers and stories about the stars. Keep asking questions and looking for answers. That’s how we all grow up to be superheroes in our own special way!


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